2025 Board Members Needed

As of March 15, 2025 we are looking for a Field Maintenance Coordinator and a Vice President.

If you're interested, please email: rimbeyminorsoccer@gmail.com


Being a volunteer soccer board member can be a rewarding experience!

The role typically involves helping to organize and oversee various aspects of the soccer club and ensuring the smooth operation of the organization.

Common tasks of the board include, but are not limited to:

  1. Governance: Participating in board meetings, making decisions on policies, budgets, and strategic goals.
  2. Program Development: Ensuring there are strong player development programs, age-appropriate coaching, and effective league structures.
  3. Communication: Serving as a liaison between coaches, parents, players, and the broader community.
  4. Event Coordination: Organizing tournaments, games, or other soccer-related events.
  5. Compliance & Regulations: Ensuring the club follows league regulations, player safety guidelines, and legal requirements.
  6. Volunteer Recruitment: Encouraging others to get involved with coaching, event support, or other aspects of running the club.


Board members must complete a criminal record check and aim to serve a minimum 2 year term.


Board meetings occur once per month between December - June. And general support throughout the year as needed.


RMSA Board positions include:


Vice President, vacant



Social Media Coordinator

Equipment Coordinator

Field Maintenance Coordinator, vacant

Technical Coordinator

Referee Coordinator

House League Coordinator

Competitive League Coordinator

**Succession planning is critical. We're always looking for new members to support and learn from existing members.


Field Maintenance Coordinator role:

Responsible to ensure the soccer fields and associated infrastructure is maintained in a safe, functional and aesthetically pleasing condition for players, parents, coaches, spectators and community.

Our club works along side the Rimbey Lions Club and the Blindman Valley Lions Club to maintain the fields and playground equipment.

**Please note, the other RMSA board members will assist to understand and learn this role.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Summer Student Hire: work with the Rimbey Lions Club for interviewing and/or selection of a summer student hire that will operate the mower, line painter and maintain the field. Be the point of contact for the summer student if any issues with equipment.
  • Field Equipment: ensure the mower, weed whacker and line painter is maintained and serviced. Line painter maintenance includes ordering paint, understanding how to operate & train summer student, and winterizing painter at end of season. Includes ordering weed whacker string and other parts as needed.
    • Ensure records maintained.
  • Field Maintenance: ensure summer student completes required mowing. Coordinate weed spraying and/or weed whacking as needed. Fill in gopher holes and ruts on field.
  • Pest Control: point of contact for pest control on the fields.
  • Field Preparation: marking out lines (at beginning of spring) for the fields and then painting lines. **This can be done with additional volunteer support. Ensure lines maintained by summer student for the remainder of the season.
  • Infrastructure Maintenance: identify any repairs needed to shelters, fences, or shed and address as needed. Bring forward recommendations for improvements.
  • Garbage: make sure summer student removing and garbage bags provided.
  • Porta Potties: order for season, and make sure they're being emptied/managed as needed.
  • Playground: make sure it's maintained in a safe and functional condition. Have worked with Blindman Valley Lions Club in the past for funding and support.


  • Able to operate and troubleshoot gas powered equipment.
  • Able to look through owners manuals to find information.
  • Willingness to take on overseeing, directing and participating in the maintenance of the soccer field and equipment.
  • Capable to bring forward any concerns and potential expenditures associated with the soccer field and equipment to the RMSA board.
  • And wants to enjoy working with an awesome soccer board that will help out where we can!


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